The Solomon Islands Women in Business Association (SIWIBA) last year bid farewell to its former President, Rose Isukana.
She was replaced by her former Vice President, Dalcy Tekulu. The former President left SIWIBA to take up a position as Country Representative with the AusAID’s Pacific Leadership Program (PLP).
Her resignation was tendered to the SIWIBA Board to avoid any conflict of interest as PLP is also one of SIWIBA’s main funding donors.
As it come every two months, this Mere’s Market again occurred for three days, 22nd – 24th May at the Art Gallery. SIWIBA Mere’s Market is a special event organized and aimed at providing the opportunity for its members to display or showcase their unique skills and products. It is also a time where members businesses are being promoted. Women came with their products and experience new things altogether; sharing, collaborating, networking and marketing. As most members were form the informal sector, this is a very good occasion to get their businesses promoted and marketable to the public and be able to empower themselves to another level.
A soil medium and floral training was conducted on 20th May by the Solomon Islands Women in Business Association (SIWIBA) with 21 participants attending. SIWIBA was honored to have Simon Iro from the Soil Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock who has offered the members with a valuable information and a hands-on activity on the training.
On the 14th May 2013, the Solomon Islands Women in Business Association (SIWIBA) held a sewing training at the Girl Guide Hut. It was facilitated by Lensa Magiza, a tailor by profession, and assisted by Karina Paenitala. There were 20 participants who attended the training, given that the target was more than that.
In delivering such training, SIWIBA aimed at efficiently providing an avenue where specific sector women or interested members could build and enrich skills on different levels of sewing. This training targeted basic sewer or aspiring to be a sewer. The objective of this training is, by the end of the training participants would be able to demonstrate the basic skills on sewing especially on measuring/sizing, pattern making/drafting and sewing.
The women have learned a lot from this training and have suggested more of these training in the future. By the end of the day, these women have taken home with them basic knowledge on sewing and a skill that they would utilize on building their businesses.
The first half of SIWIBA’s financial year was a busy and productive one.
But the most important financial event in that period was the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between AusAID’s Honiara Office, operating under the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and SIWIBA.
The Solomon Islands Women in Business Association (SIWIBA) is working towards organizing a market for its members and the general public in early December.
Called “Mere’s Market”, it will be a two-day event, allowing SIWIBA members to display their products for public.
SIWIBA’s Marketing Manager, Alice Kale says the market’s purpose is to allow SIWIBA members to promote their locally produced products.
She said this will also help to give women in the informal sector visibility of the skills they have and the products they can produce.
The two-day event will be open for public and will run from the 6th – 7th December.