On a remembered day on which tens of thousands of brave American women took to the streets of New York to advocate their right to vote, SIWIBA members took to the streets of Honiara yet again to demonstrate their abilities as capable businesswomen.
Following the hugely successful July-August Mere’s Market, the October 23rd event saw the largest number of SIWIBA participants - up to 91 members in total.
The increase was largely due to the positive feedback from the last Mere’s Market.
The Solomon Islands Women in Business Association (SIWIBA) organized livestock and horticulture training for its members in the months of August to October 2014.
This follows signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between SIWIBA and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) of the Solomon Islands Government for funding support to provide basic trainings for SIWIBA members, to raise and rear poultry and piggery and ornamental plants.
SIWIBA women were among many vendors selected to set up booths to greet a cruise boat that graced the local shores.
Ten SIWIBA members were handpicked by the Secretariat to participate with other associations in displaying their artifacts and creative local styles for visiting tourists.
The members were coached on how to greet and welcome the visitors. They collectively agreed to dress in white t-shirts and Solomon Islands designed ‘lava lava’ (sarong) at their stalls.
Solomon Islands Women in Business Association (SIWIBA) has appointed its new Coordinator. She is Ms. Nina Rachel Tuhaika.
Her four years with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) International Development project, the Solomon Islands Media Assistance Scheme (SOLMAS) is a high achievement for SIWIBA to have Ms. Tuhaika as its Coordinator.
Ms. Tuhaika said she was humbled to be offered the job not as employer but a person to help women.
About 40 members of the Solomon Islands Women in Business Association (SIWIBA) has successfully completed a one-week workshop on Piggery and Poultry training at the Dioceses of Guadalcanal Conference Room at All Saints Compound last week.