SIWIBA Informal Sector complete Floral Arrangement Training
EJAY Floral arrangement service provides SIWIBA members in the informal sector with floral arrangement training on 10 to 12 August at Lau valley.
The three days training covered topics on basics and how to advance into floral arrangement with lessons on events set up and color.
Members of SIWIBA who undergo the training engaged mostly in practical lessons, involving how to dress caskets, churches, weddings and more.
During a formal closing on Friday SIWIBA members did presentation on floral arrangement and as well as give light to meaning of their floral creation.
Presenting the certificates during the closing was DFAT representative from economics and trade Mrs. Brenda Waleka, SIWIBA staff and Training Facilitator Mrs. Ellen Sanga
This was the final training for informal sector under the second phase of DFAT’s Support to SIWIBA.